Introducing CASY Gin, a unique creation developed in response to a special request from the renowned CASY restaurant in Crans-Montana, which FiGee crafted. Our journey to perfect this gin led us to the pristine organic farms of our friends in Madagascar, where we sourced the highest quality botanicals, including the famous wild pepper. The result? A refreshing and remarkably smooth gin designed for endless enjoyment without overwhelming your palate. After months of meticulous testing and distillation, we were so thrilled with the outcome that we approached CASY and asked if we could share this exquisite creation with our other valued clients. They graciously agreed, and now it's available to all. CASY Gin finds its ideal partner in a classic Gin & Tonic, particularly when paired with Fever Tree Indian Tonic. Discover the perfect harmony of flavours with each sip.
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