Botan Pomelo Asada Cocktail is a non-alcoholic, ready-to-drink distilled cocktail crafted from grapefruit hand-selected Mexican jalapeno peppers, each carefully roasted and smoked before undergoing distillation. Ingredients: jalapeno, chilli, black pepper, lime verbena, cumin, water, sugar, grapefruit juice (NFC) (NFC) = Not From Concentrate Botan Pomelo Asada is free of alcohol, E-numbers, citric acid, potassium sorbate, added sugars, added sugars, artificial sweeteners, chemical flavour aromas, Extracts of herbs/fruits, preservatives, gluten, vitamin C aka ascorbic acid, additives, agents, emulgators and stabilizers. • 1 bottle serves 6 to 7 glasses ( 110 ml each ) • Shelf life: 2 years unopened • After opening: Consume within 8 days and keep refrigerated • Ready to drink. SHAKE before USE • Cultivated, distilled and blended by Bôtan Distillery in Belgium. • It can also be used as a mixer in traditional cocktails with tequila, mezcal & sotol.
Tasting notes
This smoky cocktail features vibrant flavours of Mexican peppers, fruity bitters and grapefruit. For a softer taste, add a splash of sparkling water.