Imperial Vodka Fabergé Egg is made from exceptional Saratovskaya wheat and water from Ladoga Lake. The grain is a southern variety with a high starch content and a strong flavour profile. Imperial Vodka undergoes a multiple refinement process where the spirit is filtered five times through highly active birch charcoal, a silver filter and a membrane filter, creating the brilliant sparkle and smooth profile designed for true connoisseurs. Imperial Vodka is presented in unique handmade cases in the form of eggs, inspired by the works of Karl Faberge and are true masterpieces of the Imperial Collection brand. The metal alloy cases are covered with enamel of different colours, each decorated with gilded elements and embellished crystals.
Tasting notes
Mild aromas of wheat and black cracked pepper.
The palate is soft with notes of creamy vanilla, citrus zest and a touch of honey.
Pleasant and versatile